Robin Kant

Crew members wanted for Flemish youth film

Crew members wanted for Flemish youth film

(auto-translated from Dutch)

The Brialmont Mystery is a Flemish youth adventure film based on the history of the forts of Antwerp and their architect: Henri Alexis Brialmont. For the production we have entered into a partnership with Make-A-Wish Belgium-Flanders.

Logline: When Jonas' grandfather is murdered shortly after giving a mysterious clue, an old photo, Jonas suspects that the key to his death lies in the photo. Together with his brother Jens and best friend Yusuf, he sets out to find its meaning. Their search leads them to the mysterious inheritance of Brialmont. When Eline, a peer of Jonas and Yusuf, unexpectedly offers her help, they form a team. But they soon realize that they are not the only ones after the inheritance... and that their opponents are prepared to do anything.

What do we offer?
The film is a low budget film that is financed outside of film funds. We offer travel expenses and catering on set.

professionele productie / lowbudget


For the shooting of some scenes we are looking for the following three crew members:
· Production designer
· Soundman/soundwoman
· first assistant

Job requirements / profile
Production designer: during pre-production you think about the visual concept with the director and DOP and work this out. You also do research (the scenes are set around the year 1900) and collect the necessary props for the set. During the shoot you set up the set together with the set dressers.
Soundman/soundwoman: You are responsible for all sound shooting on set.
first assistant: during the shooting days you lead the shoot.

Language requirements

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Expires 07-03-2025

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