Leeuwencop Leeuwencop Act2Care

Urgently looking for young actress for play

Urgently looking for young actress for play

(auto-translated from Dutch)

The theme of the play is the effect of success and drugs on people and their environment.
For this purpose, various experts were consulted; their experiences and advice were incorporated into the script.

What do we offer?
The chance to shine in an experienced theatre company.
Theater group Los Zand has existed for 31 years and annually performs one or more self-written plays.
There is no fee, but there are also no costs involved.

semi-professionele productie


We are looking for a young actress aged 18 or over for the role of a teenage girl who is the daughter of a famous and drug-addicted rock star.
Also the role of a nurse who deals with an addicted doctor.
Preferably living in (the area around) Amsterdam.
Quick text knowledge is a must.

Due to illness, one of our actresses had to give up her role.

Language requirements

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Expires 05-03-2025

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