JB Cinema Films

Voice actor (female) wanted

Voice actor (female) wanted

(auto-translated from Dutch)

Short film to be submitted to a variety of film festivals around the world. Currently in post-production.

Don't Look Back (2025) is a short film, in the genre of drama / thriller. The story is about a young lady who is in between jobs, and takes on the role of an uber driver. One day, a customer gets in her car, and she quickly finds herself under a gun point. Fearing for her own safety, she has to follow the customer’s orders, however, to break free, she has to risk her life.

What do we offer?
Travel expenses (if any)

semi-professionele productie

Overal / Anywhere

Looking for a female voice actor with a Cantonese, Mandarin or Singaporean accent.

Voice actor role: mother of main character

Language requirements
Engels / English

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Expires 01-04-2025

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