(auto-translated from Dutch)
We are a small, passionate team of professional filmmakers from Leiden and Rotterdam. With our shared love for cinematography, we are committed to telling stories that go beyond our daily lives. We do this purely out of enthusiasm and dedication, with the ambition to continually raise the bar for ourselves and our work.
Although we are not Hollywood stars, we are anything but amateurs. Our team consists of people with knowledge of the trade, as well as a keen eye for detail and quality.
As a result, our second production 'Pakkies' is now really planned for the year 2025.
The story takes place in Rotterdam and Leiden and is divided into four chapters. The first chapter is scheduled for shooting in Q2. It follows the adventurous life of 20-year-old pizza delivery boy Carlos, who completely risks his old life through some drastic choices, including his relationship with his girlfriend Carla. While Carlos develops a special bond with Veronika, their connection grows stronger. However, this arouses jealousy in Malik, who is anything but happy with the growing relationship between them and tries to make it pretty hot under their feet.
What do we offer?
Contribution to travel expenses and lunch on set.
Professional portfolio material.
semi-professionele productie
To complete the cast we are looking for an enthusiastic man (18-25 years) to play the role of Carlos. Preferably you live in the Leiden/Rotterdam area. Experience with is a plus.
Language requirements
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