Crushed Wings
lenght 97 min.
year 2021
director Lalit Bhusal

Ria, a five-year-old girl, is led by her mother to a place where a group of women from her community wait for her. Here she is held down and gagged. Screaming in unanesthetised agony, she is mutilated by an unqualified "cutter", who through the brutal removal of parts of her genitalia completes the cultural ritual that ensures she will one day be taken as a wife. But this cruel act is just the beginning of the cycle of abuse that it epitomises. The child, once old enough, goes on to be forcibly married to a violent drug addict and moved away from her family to the UK. Eventually, Ria, at the risk of violent repercussions from her shamed and angry husband, seeks help in escaping the life she is trapped in, but her young sisters' lives hang in the balance. Can she change her elders' minds and prevent them from being led down the same path? Or will they become three more of 200 million women across the globe whose wings have been crushed by FGM?
Lalit BhusalDOP / cinematographer
Lalit Bhusalediting
Lalit Bhusalcolorist
Lalit Bhusalproducer
Lalit Bhusaldirecting
Drama film, Feature film

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