about me
Roos Jeroense is an award winning film producer.
She now runs a successful film production house together with her partner in Rotterdam.
After numerous award winning short films, she produced her first full-length indie feature film “Resonance” with a great predilection for science fiction and horror, which premiered in the spring of 2018. This film won several awards in a short time, both at home and abroad.
In addition to preparing a 2nd feature film, Roos is currently also in production for her first documentary about an American actor.
ask me for
Fictie films, music videos en commercials.
Indie filmmaking, low budget filmmaking, horror films.
Resonance, The Surgeons, The Collector, Cocoon and The Next Thing.
Multiple awards both nationally and internationally, see IMDB: https://www.imdb.com/name/nm7130055/ for an up to date list
Eigen basis gear incl Canon C100 en zender setje, kunnen ook overweg met meeste andere camera's
software knowledge
Word, Excel, DaVinci Resolve, Premiere Pro
Commercial, Documentary, Short film, Music Video