about me
I am currently enrolled at Leiden University in their Postgraduate Program Visual Anthropology and Ethnographic Filmmaking. I am looking for more general experience in the field.
ask me for
Unusual subjects, anything with people/cultures/travel
Director/Researcher/Camera/Editor "Teun" , Short Ethnographic Film, +/-20 min, Universiteit Leiden (A film on transgendered children)
Director/Researcher/Camera/Editor "Crazy: Legal Grafitti in The Hague", Short Film, +/-10min, Universiteit Leiden
Camera/Editor Interview Teasers Beeld voor Beeld festival 2011
Canon 1000D SLR
hardware knowledge
Digital SLR (Canon, Nikon, Olympus)
JVC Digital Film Camera
DV Tape
software knowledge
Adobe Premiere Pro, Adobe Photoshop CS3, Adobe Lightroom