about me
I am an allround performer and (low budget) filmmaker.
My art form is a combination of Mentalism, Hypnosis and psychological entertainment. From this I started to coach/direct other performer and also started to record live events and making short marketing films for me and my colleagues

ask me for
When you are looking for people that can "read minds" or are supposedly paranormal.
Freelance editor
Freelance director
Camera man

Hypnotist, Mentalist

Coach/Consulant The Next Uri Geller (Phenomenon)
The making of marketing films for myself and other mystery entertainers.
Performing my show in the US.
Consulting for a psychological tv program and consulting for a hypnosis related progra,.

Award for most informative show for secondary schools

Ik ben camera en geluid agnostisch.

hardware knowledge
Van huis uit ben ik opgeleid als ITer/Electronicus. Dus hardware van het huistuin en keuken spul tot power computes heb ik meegewerkt.
Daarnaast (en nog belangrijker) ben ik software engineer. Python, Java, C++, C#, Perl zijn talen waar ik voor de Fortune 500s heel veel in heb ontwikkeld.

software knowledge
DaVinci Resolve,
Adobe Premiere,
Adobe After Effects,
Adobe Audition,
Maya 3D (simpele 3D modellering voor met name camera projectie),
Blender 3D (camera projectie en rigid body physics (destructie),
Cinema 4D (met name alleen de MoGraph functionaliteit gebruikt voor logos en tekst animaties),
Nuke 6-12, Fusion
Final Cut Pro,
Logic Pro.

Internet film, Short film, Feature film, Television

my companies

Raymond Doetjes
Nieuwegein / NL

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