about me
I am an expert in social marketing and initiator of various Feel Good projects. I linked pure profit to goals which look beyond that first hard euro. In my own way I give color and inspiration to gray minded entrepreneurs.
ask me for
Developing webTV, location based services and narrowcasting content.
DOP, recording, decoupage, CGI production, editing, editing direction.
developing short infotainmaint productions for narrowcasting systems en location based services like LED screens.
Runner up - The Dutch Broadbandprice 2005 - Dutch Org.
Finalist - Creative Entrepeneur 2008 - Reed Business.
Starter of the Quarter 2009 - Rabobank
hardware knowledge
Camerahandeling 4:3 en 16:9, MII, DVCAM, Digital Betacam, HDCAM, XDCAM,
software knowledge
Adobe - illustrator, Photoshop, Premiere, icoFX, Addition, Sound Forge
Corporate film, Commercial, Internet film, Short film