Dylan Donia
locationscout, location liaison
Rotterdam / NL
about me
It will not be the result of a lot of careertests ... locationscout. It's typical a career which you `stumble upon`.
Important is that you have a good eye, can see possiblities and have seen the work on a film / commercial set. Because it's quite a challenge to 1) find a perfect location according to the briefing 2) getting a location owner's permission to take photos of his / hers property 3) `selling` the location to the producer and / or director 4) making the location owner enthusiastic for the shoot; in / on top of / over / next to / etc. their location 5) organizing the recce and shoot in such a manner that everybody is happy and can work. Leave the location in a way that you can shoot there an other time!
It is more than just making pictures. A lot of negotiation, estimating and creative thinking is asked from a good locationscout.

ask me for
Film, tv, commercial & photo locations. I can deal with big feature film productions but I can also help out with the production of videoclips with little to spend.

I'm a good listener and a good observer

Locationscout [projects since august 2010]:
Vogue International - photoshoot (location liaison) / Zorgverzekeraar Aafje - commercial (location liaison & scouting) / De Rotterdam - video & photoshoot (location liaison & manager) / Toyota - photoshoot (scouting) / Caiway - tv commercial (location liaison) / Seinpost - tv-series (scouting) / DTG - tv commercials (scouting) / Stivoro - tv commercials (location liaison) / WEX - tv commercials (location liaison) / Flikken Maastricht - telefilm (scouting) / Rabo bank - photoshoot (scouting) / Toyota - photoshoot (scouting) / Booz - photoshoot (scouting & management) / Lena - feature film (scouting) / Samsung - tv commercial (scouting) / Stanfour - videoclip (scouting & production) / kort! Rosalinda - feature film (locationmanager)

At the Cannes Corporate Media & TV Awards, A TIMELESS MYSTERY received the highest award, the festival Grand Prix. A film by Pieter-Rim de Kroon. My company at the time did some locationscouting and all the locationmanaging!

Een Fujifilm X-100 fotocamera, Macbookpro en een betrouwbare auto (wat heeft een locationscout nog meer nodig;)

hardware knowledge
Camera's, computers

software knowledge
Het hele Adobe pakket, Flickr.com waarop ik mijn portofolio online heb staan (achter een met wachtwoord beschermd account)

Commercial, Feature film, Drama for Television / Series, Music Video

Dylan Donia
Rotterdam / NL
locationscout, location liaison

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