PVPictures BV
producer 9tele) film and youth television series
Hilversum / NL
PV Pictures, founded and run by Paul Voorthuysen, is a production company for (tele) films. Television series are produced by sister company S&VFiction.

Voorthuysen is responsible for awarded films like "Oeroeg", "When the Light Comes", "My Father Lives in Rio" and the telefilm "The Ninth Hour". For the Dutch broadcaster VPRO PV Pictures made the intens short film "The Ravine". At this moment PV Pictures is producing the elemantry school comedy "Mees Kees", the youth film "Yellow Grass" and the historical drama "The Price of Sugar".

Drama film, Short film, Feature film, Drama for Television / Series

PVPictures BV
Hilversum / NL
producer 9tele) film and youth television series

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