Hetty Kleinloog
writer, editor-in-chief, treatment writer
Amsterdam / NL
about me
Originally a drama teacher, but since 2000 a writer for various TV series, plays, songs, comics, etc. For years now, treatment writer and editor-in-chief at Spangas. I am also team leader of the Spangas writing team. Recently I have also written a number of transmedia productions. For Egon Kracht & de Troupe I wrote texts for Het Oog van Leonardo (music theatre).

ask me for
Schrijfopdrachten (dialogen, treatments, tv- theaterstukken).

ONM, Lotte (Talpa), Spangas, Maria Magdelena Passie (Prompt Music Theater Productions), Children for Children, NCRV musical, Jan Jans and the Children (Libelle), The Eye of Leonardo etc. etc. Transmedia productions including for Wereldomroep, STD/AIDS Netherlands, Center for Media and Health.

Gouden Stuiver, Cinekid Audience Award 2010.

Drama film, Internet film, Drama for Television / Series

Hetty Kleinloog
Amsterdam / NL
writer, editor-in-chief, treatment writer

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