about me
I am Mila Jada Dekker.
I'm eleven years old but people usually guess I'm 9 or 10.
I have acted in two films.
I am small but very smart for my age also emotionally, I have already experienced a lot
I was in a singing/musical group for three years.
I have done several photo shoots and internet videos.
ask me for
film - hoofdrol/bijrol
televisie - hoofdrol/bijrol/edel figurant
internet - film
stemmen inspreken
I am very small and very smart for my age.
I speak fluent English/American
I can easily absorb things, learn texts, behave professionally and empathize with a role.
I can play someone who is 8 or 9 even though I am 11.
I am Dutch, Italian, Indian, French, Japanese
Internet video for healthy eating made for education in the Netherlands
Photo shoot done for Panasonic Japan.
I play the daughter of Isa Hoes and Kees Boot in the TV film 'Ballast'. The film will premiere on September 29th at the Utrecht Film Festival. And will be on TV on February 1st on Ned 3.
I play one of the leading roles in the Dutch film 'Roes'.
Roes has yet to come out.
I did several fashion/advertising assignments when I was 4 and 5 years old.