about me Pluto DoSky’s prophecy is to change the wavelength spectrum frequencies for all the world, new clock and two more seasonal changes
for every life’s element and humans uniforms presentations for the Life symphony. Including Outfits the new era of body protectors magnetic energies and the use of the Illuminations and devises (Brains). The solution for the database and the Perfect competition to use the others invisibleelements for Mars occupation generations. Remember Art and Philosophy phylogenetically engineering are the only languages to translate the illumination programs. Pluto DoSky besides Arts is scientist and he offers humanity 666 years of age!
Invest support and thanks for understanding.
ask me for Buy 666 years of age from Pluto DoSky for just $1 Million.
remarks I’m the first President of Planet Earth for 200 years. To solve the database with the circle's algorithm!
trackrecord 2011 Pluto DoSky directed and Made Karogh Samad as model for Mr Belgium and for the international selections in Istanbul Turkey Pluto reached Karogh Samad the technical cat walking and elegance smiles moves energies attractions and won as the number 8th.
awards Short Film “The president” 2009-2010 Leuven / Belgie.
Abstract experiment docufilm “5 Minutjes God”. 2012-2013 together with Clash Project and Jona-School Leuven / Belgie.
Short Film “Kira” Cannes 100 and 36 international selections. Sask FF winner best short film.
Acting experience: more then 24 short and long films, Including leading rules.
Pluto DoSky is also writer and artist as drawings and sculptures.
equipment - More then 250 Short Stories
- One Novel
- More them 100 peace’s of Art