about me
Would like to appear in films as a (bit part) extra or with small text. I am enthusiastic and committed 100%. also for Animation, Commercial, Internet media, Short film, Feature film, Television programme, Video clip

ask me for
alle opdrachten waar je figuranten nodig hebt.

participated as an extra in the postcode lottery commercial.
participated as an extra with small text in the film Verdwaald.
as an audience at the Fashion Bienale in Bemmel
as an extra in the feature film Lucia de B.
played as an ambulance and as a passerby in 112 emergency call
3 times as an extra in the children's film Leeuwenkuil.
as an extra in Danni Lowinsky
as an extra in SBS's stalker

Animation, Commercial, Internet film, Short film, Feature film, Television, Music Video

Yvonne Huizenga
westervoort / NL
extra (bit part)

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