Luc Lentjes
acting, singer, cabaret and cabaret
Arnhem / NL
about me
performances played at the Willem Nijholt Academy:

Fairytales in the fog: Director, Dorine Niezing.

In rooms: Direction, Alexandra van Marken.

Sparrows and Swans by Haye van der Heyden: Direction, Vastert van Aardenne and Hymke de vries.

The Magical Sample Wizard Musical Show:
Director, Niek Kortekaas and Werner Welsnau.

Text and game lessons:

Hymke de vries, Vasterd van Aardenne, Willem Nijholt, Michael van Buuren and Dorine Niezing.
Elementary game: Marije Haasjes.

Singing Lessons:

Singing recital: Jeroen Phaff.

Vocal technique/CVT: Anja Koldenhof and Chantal Sennema.

Estill Voice Training System (EVTS): Anja Kwakkenstein.

Sung German repertoire: Dorine Niezing.

Dance lessons:

Gerard bass.

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Voor acteeropdrachten in de breedste zin van het woord.
Van drama tot cabaret, van shakespeare tot mimiek.

Luc Lentjes
Arnhem / NL
acting, singer, cabaret and cabaret

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