Willeke Trentelman
training actor and school social worker
Nijmegen / NL
about me
60 years old and since last April also working as a training actor. Completed training for this at the Trap in Amsterdam. Done extra work. I also participated in a final production of the ArTez Theater School in Arnhem. This year participated in a video film of a student at the audiovisual specialist Rijn IJssel training in Arnhem.

ask me for
Commercials, instructiefilms, films

Typical Willeke: sensitive, inspiring, sense of responsibility, likes to influence,
creative, eager to learn, assertive.
Behavioral style: people-oriented, open-minded, stimulating and asks questions.
Leadership style: coaching, supportive, directive.

I'll be 61 in November and look younger. Hair is dyed though. Mother of 4 and omidepomi of 2 grandchildren.

RundFunk, Postcode Lottery, GStar, Tiramisu, Chewto.
Training actor: Cosmetic Institute - conversation techniques. Helicon - conversation techniques, Rijn IJssel Nursing - patient roles, ROC Nursing - patient roles

Willeke Trentelman
Nijmegen / NL
training actor and school social worker

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