Luciano Simula
camera, editing, production, project manager
Hoofddorp / NL
about me
I have been working as a videographer for over 18 years, focusing on video camera work, editing and production.
My strength lies in producing and executing a production independently or within a small team.
I also work well as part of a larger team, and adapt to my role without difficulty, be it as director, cameraman, editor or editor.

In terms of personality, I would describe myself as: curious, driven and positive,
I get a lot of pleasure from making beautiful productions in which everything comes together well (image, sound, color, effectively conveying the message), but especially from the production process itself; collaboration, delving deeper into a subject and jointly creating ideas.
In a video production, I focus on the 'message' when making choices about image (technical/content), sound and approach.

I have built up a network of videographer friends with whom I can carry out larger projects.

ask me for
- Het bededenken en produceren van Corporate/bedrijfsvideo's.
- Uitvoeren van Videoregistraties voor theater/muziek/symposia, bedrijfsevenementen.
(single of meercamera).

Other work background:
- Manager Operations at camera rental company Budgetcam/Kamera Express (2021-2023 Ft), manager Amsterdam 2018-2021). Knowledge of internal business processes at a managerial, strategic, economic level.
- Video youth work project leader: *involved in a combination of youth work and video since I was 18. In this capacity I set up and implemented many projects.
- AV teacher: MBO: Media and communication training, Creative college.

Company videos including:
- Nutrition guide cooking videos with Pierre Wind. (Nutrition center
- Heijmans; creation of the n246. (for Koninklijke Heijmans bv).
- Mourik vocational school (for Mourik Bv).
- Many training videos, recruitment videos, information videos for: HvA (Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences), HAS (Higher Agricultural School), UvA (University of Amsterdam).
- Travel to China with Fox! Long journeys from ANWB.
- Drs Leenarts: 'about Drs Leenarts'.

- Documentary: Short stories from Landlust (a neighborhood in Bos en Lommer).

YouTube channels set up and produced for:
- Paardenpraattv (247K subscribers, 155 million views. - employed by Tuvalu Media -
- Full throttle with Joey: 178K subscribers, 50ml views. - employed by Tuvalu Media -
- Blonde Tigers (Vita and Elise Boers). (Channel has been changed to Vita Cleo and Elise Boers). - employed by Tuvalu Media -
- Drs leenarts: 2.15K subscribers, 735K views.

Video registrations:
- AKF FInales, Martin Luther King, Snowflake (produced by Grache (theater Rast 2023), - Passie van Nu 2022 livestream/registration (World Opera Lab).
- Amsterdam football: registration and editing of many top class football matches in Amsterdam and football events.

Ik beschik over eigen videoapparatuur met lenzenset,zenderset, aparte richtingsmicrofoon, Monitor/recorder,
gimbal, statief, en lichtset.
Verder beschik ik over montageapparatuur (Imac en Macbookpro).
Ik film op dit moment veel in 4k formaat op Prores 422.

hardware knowledge
- Videocamera's: ik heb met Canon, Sonya en Panasonic camera's gewerkt (DSLR Ik kan met allen goed overweg. Ik film momenteel veel in V-Log (cinestyle versie van Panasonic camera).

O.a door mijn werk bij cameraverhuurder Budgetcam/Kamera Express heb ik brede kennis in de beschikbare apparatuur voor video die in de markt is en de toepassing hiervan. Bijvoorbeeld over: Lenzen, lichtsets, gimbals, audio-apparatuur (zenders, field recorders), Grip en camera's.

software knowledge
- Adobe Premiere.
- Avid Media Composer.
- Photoshop,
- After Effects
- Media Encoder

Corporate film, Commercial, ENG / TV reports, Theatre

Luciano Simula
Hoofddorp / NL
camera, editing, production, project manager

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