Ashar Medina
screenwriter. filmmaker. musician.
Amsterdam / NL
about me
Since 2011 I study at the Netherlands Film Academy, where I have been able to write and direct several short films. In addition, together with some childhood friends, I form a company that focuses on experimental cinema, music and theater - all in a low-budget atmosphere, of course, given the 'challenging' financial climate in which the art sector currently finds itself.

ask me for
Alles dat niet volgens de geijkte paden gerealiseerd wordt wekt mijn bewondering en interesse. Er is geen specifiek genre dat mijn voorkeur geniet, ik ben een liefhebber van films die deze regels juist proberen te rekken. Over het algemeen hou ik gewoon van mooie dingen, dingen die intrigeren en vermaken. Daar kan je mij altijd voor bellen of mailen.

I find it difficult to qualify myself in terms of specifics. I prefer to leave that to others.

Pitstop - A jaded vacationer has an exciting encounter in a gas station toilet, which forces him to take a closer look at his boring life.

Korte Golf - In this psychedelic farce we meet Tom, a young hermit who takes part in the competition of radio station Ambiance FM every week. When Tom is finally told one day that he is the winner, the whole world seems to want to prevent him from receiving his prize.

Cortesia - A young career criminal is sent with a bitter, cynical veteran to bury a corpse in the snowy provincial polder. During their journey, the men get to know each other well. Maybe even too good. (in post production)

February - A small, intimate drama about an IND employee who encounters himself in conversation with an Iranian refugee. (in post production)

Korte Golf was the winner of the audience award at the first version of the Nacht Koffie film festival in 2013.

Pitstop was selected for the VERS Awards XL and the Go Short Film Festival.

Een van de geweldige dingen van het schrijven is dat je niet meer nodig hebt dan een pen en wat papier. En een laptop om Youtube-filmpjes te bekijken tijdens lunchpauzes.

Voor het uitwerken van scenario's gebruik ik Final Draft, en om te monteren Final Cut Pro.

software knowledge
Final Draft en Final Cut Pro.

Commercial, Short film, Feature film, Music Video

Ashar Medina
Amsterdam / NL
screenwriter. filmmaker. musician.

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