about me
Graduated from Graphic Lyceum Amsterdam in 2001, direction design and illustration.

Graphic designer for many years, now working as a freelance illustrator working on hand-drawn or digital illustrations and very interested in the visual translation of (film) concepts.

ask me for
storyboards, concept art

Loopuyt (2014 / web commercial / Grndpa), Univé (2014 / web commercial / New Breed United), Herman Jansen (2014 / promo short / Grndpa), Osmonde (2014 / drama short / Elsa Bauverd), New Orleans (2012 / cinema commercial / CollaCreatives)

Power Wheel Project (2010-present / art experience / Mellius), Van Wulven Estate Houten (2012-2013 / developing plans / Kleinstra)

Mac computer, Wacom Cintiq tekentablet

software knowledge
Adobe Photoshop, Illustrator, Indesign

Commercial, Internet film, Short film, Music Video

my companies

Lars de Ruyter
Heemskerk / NL
freelance visualiser

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