Thomas Beerendonk
producer and director at production house de filmmaatschappij
Breukelen / NL
about me
I am a Producer and Director at Production House De Filmmaatschappij. This is the company I started last year together with Fatih Tura and Danny Kooyman. All three of us are students with a passion for film and making films. That is why we are also 'Directors of the Future'. I myself am in my 2nd year of my HBO Media & Entertainment Management course.

I am a creative controller who wants to keep everything under control. I am often in charge of my productions and always want to work with a fun and energetic team with the same common passion. In addition to commissioned films, we also make our own short films. For example, the short film 'Zinloos!' viewable through our website. We are also closely involved in the production of the series De Blauwe Bank, where De Filmmaatschappij produces the making of's.

ask me for
Productie van korte films, opdrachtfilms, videoclips, commercials. Als assistent productie voor film/tv en andere projecten.

*** I am currently working on the production to participate in the 48HOURS FILM PROJECT in Amsterdam on May 4-6, 2012. I am looking for several crew members who, together with the rest of the team of De Filmmaatschappij, can offer a unique experience. want to gain! ***

For the web series De Blauwe Bank I produce the Making of's on behalf of De Filmmaatschappij. These are 30 short episodes that will be shown after each webisode.

Pointless! - production of a short film which is used as an information film in Dutch schools by the foundation

On behalf of The Film Company;
3rd prize Kunstbende Utrecht for the short version of 'Zinloos!'

De Filmmaatschappij werkt veelal met een Canon 60D

Internet film, Short film, Television, Music Video

my companies

Thomas Beerendonk
Breukelen / NL
producer and director at production house de filmmaatschappij

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