about me
Ola! My name is Jelle van der Meer, 26 years old and almost graduated with a master's degree in Forensic Criminology in Leiden.
I am a spontaneous and committed person. I enjoy nothing more than acting and can also sing quite a bit. From an early age I have been to Buitenkunst every year, which has continued to grow my interest in acting. To this day I regret that I did so little with this passion, so I would like to make up for lost time!. That's why I'd like to offer myself as your future acting talent!

I can empathize very well with people and groups, which allows me to understand everything around you on a much deeper level.
This allows me to express the right feelings and actions that come with a script.

Jelle van der Meer
Leiden / NL
i am a student

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