Gert-Jan Siesling
portrait photographer and financial controller
Heerenveen / NL
about me
I am a calm person, a go-getter and have a creative mind. In addition to my work as Financial Control Coordinator, I am active as a portrait photographer and have a great love for film. After studying at the Dutch photography school, I have traveled a lot. I have made many portrait series worldwide, which I regularly exhibit. I also like challenges and have climbed Kilimanjaro, walked the Inca trail to Machu Picchu and have completed the New York City Marathon twice. Due to my great interest in photography and film, I like to participate in film projects as an extra.

ask me for
Grote internationale filmprojecten in Nederland en filmprojecten in Noord-Nederland

Gert-Jan Siesling
Heerenveen / NL
portrait photographer and financial controller

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