Wouter Popma
drumming, entertaining, singing, acting, dancing
Amsterdam / NL
about me
Hobby drummer since 1975, semi-professional drummer since 1984, professional drummer since 1997 [with Chamber of Commerce], in various bands, groups, acts, companies, in various styles. Completed study at Sweelinck Conservatory in 1994, study Percussion Improvising Musician, Diploma Teaching Musician and Performing Musician. Extensive experience with performances [3000+] with groups/ acts on very diverse occasions/ circuits, regularly also as a multidisciplinary collaboration with actors/ jugglers/ stilt walkers/ acrobats/ comedians. Followed regular directing workshops for overall performance improvement [mutually and personally], presentation, acting, dancing, singing, improvising, interacting with the audience. Percussionist/singer/frontman at FUNFARE, since 2002, an acoustic mobile theatrical band, with comedic appearance, choreographies and an overall feel-good atmosphere, performances in many circuits. 2018/2019- Soloist-actor/dancer at amateur/semi-professional opera-theatre association NAASTCARRE, experimental performances by unknown musicians. World music, jazz, chansons, improvisations, classical music, film music and opera. February 2019: 3 performances in this association in the character of Yanis Varoufakis, the former Greek finance minister, in 2015. Scripted text, in English, with a Greek accent. 2019 - new series of acting lessons, group, at ActeerAcademieAmsterdam.

ask me for
muziek, humor, theater, toneel, tekst, improvisatie

ditto: music, humour, theatre, theatre, text, improvisation

Music: Funfare [2002-present], La Bandita [1995-present], Klezmerantics [1995-present], Zwanenkoor [2009-2017], creating and performing new scores for silent films, in collaboration with Filmmuseum/ Tuschinski/ Filmhuizen in provincial capitals/Bologna / Ministry of Foreign Affairs/ Dutch Embassy [1998-2000], cultural exchange project with jazz quintet, Teheran, in collaboration with Ambassade/KLM [2003], Tiramisu acts, various acts with a multidisciplinary structure [actors, stilt walkers, jugglers, acrobats, fireworks artists[ , [1999-2005] Theatrical/ Theater: FUNFARE, Tiramisu-Acts, CIRQUE COLORIQUE - itinerant performances with musicians, stilt walkers, jugglers and acrobats, mini-circus, NAASTCARRE - [experimental opera group] [2018-present]


drums, percussie

hardware knowledge

my companies

Wouter Popma
Amsterdam / NL
drumming, entertaining, singing, acting, dancing

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