Michiel van Ieperen
actor, writer, director, producer
Amsterdam / NL
2015 drama / 10 min. / Martine van der Kolk
actor male
2015 drama / 15 min. / Irena Krajnc
actor male
2015 drama / 15 min. / Maria Leones
actor male
2015 drama / 15 min. / Victor Niemann
actor male
2015 drama / 15 min. / John de Haas
actor male
2015 drama / 90 min. / Take One NL Productions / Jesse Bleekemolen & Stijn van Dongen
actor male
2015 drama / 9 x 5 min. / Koen Verheijden
actor male
2015 drama / 10 min. / Dhica Mae Rosalem
actor male
2015 drama / 45min min. / CUT Productions / Sebastiaan Brassinga
actor male
2015 drama / 15min min. / SAE Institute / Dylan Sydow
actor male
2015 drama / 20 min. / Kevin Jochems
actor male
2015 drama / 5 min. / Tim Schijf
actor male
2015 drama / 15 min. / Bram Kwantes
actor male
2015 drama / 5 min. / Maarten Mantel
actor male
2015 commercial / 2 min. /
actor male / model male
2015 commercial / 2 min. /
actor male / model male
2015 commercial / 2 min. / IQ Media
actor male / model male
2015 commercial / 2 min. /
actor male / model male
2015 commercial / 3 x 2 min. / NHTV & COC Nederland
actor male / model male
2015 commercial / 2 min. / MRK Media
actor male / model male
2015 clip / 5 min. / Doogle Productions
actor male
2015 clip / 5 min. /
actor male
2015 clip / 5 min. / P.I.T. Productions / Joshua Maldonado
actor male
2015 clip / 5 min. / Tristan Albers
actor male
2015 overig / = min. / André Vaarwater
actor male

(Highly) skilled in:
Athletics | Baseball | Basketball | Bowling | (Clay Target) Shooting | (Stunt/Precision) Driver | Cycling | Fitness | Football | Gymnastics | Martial Arts | Pole | Paintball | Public Speaking | Rugby | Swimming | Football | Skiing | Snowboarding | Squash | Internship Combat | Tennis | Weapons/Firearm(s) Action

Fluent in:
Dutch (native) | English | German

conversation skills in:

(standard) American (developing) | (standard) British (developing) | Germany | French

Tech skills in:
Final Cut Pro HD | Adobe Premiere Pro | Final Draft | Microsoft Office Mac OSX | Windows OS | Photoshop | Prezi | SPSS


Michiel van Ieperen was born in Nieuwegein, Utrecht on June 23, 1989, to a Dutch-born mother, Marry van Beuzekom, and a Dutch-born father, Kiek van Ieperen, an Olympic Skeet-shooter who was on the official Dutch Skeet- shooting team from 1973 till 1993, and still Dutch record-holder with six World Cup and Europe Cup medals.

As a kid, van Ieperen always had strong feelings towards film. Playing with old cameras, recording stuff with friends 'just for fun', watching countless of films over and over again, and 'constantly rewinding scenes on his VHS to get a sense of how they did it'. Never even thinking about the possibility of becoming an actor or director in the Netherlands, and not wanting to take over the family business (his grandfather and father had their own construction company), van Ieperen dreamed of becoming a journalist. He began his academic career in 2008 at the University of Amsterdam, where he studied Communication Studies. However, during his time in Amsterdam, van Ieperen's passion for film resurfaced. During his bachelor's degree, van Ieperen began working as an editor, producer and PR- and marketing consultant for the Dutch premium cable film- and television network Film1/Sport1, a division of the Chellomedia network.

Graduating his BA in 2011, van Ieperen was determined to continue following his ambition to work in the film-industry, and applied for a MA-course at the Dutch Film-academy in Amsterdam. However, van Ieperen was denied on the basis of 'not having enough experience'. Down, but not out, van Ieperen searched for an alternative route to achieve his goals, which he found at the University of Utrecht, where he began following a MA in Film- and Television Studies. While studying for his Master's, van Ieperen started working as a producer for Eyeworks Group, one of the biggest film- and television production companies in Europe.

During his Master's in Utrecht and his behind-the-scenes work at Eyeworks, van Ieperen became more interested in acting, and the process of an actor. Graduating his MA in the summer of 2013, he still had a creative itch to scratch, and started attending several acting workshops in Amsterdam. This however, wasn't enough for van Ieperen. Always wanting to go the United States, but never having a chance to do so, now was the time. He packed his bags, and moved to Los Angeles, where he followed an actor's course at the New York Film Academy. Here, van Ieperen truly fell in love with acting and filmmaking. This all led to his first lead acting-project, a 16-minute short film called “Sides”, was selected to be shown at the 2014 edition of the famous film festival Cannes in the category Short Film Corner.

Since returning to the Netherlands in the spring of 2014, van Ieperen has been working non-stop as an actor in dozens of different projects, ranging from feature films & commercials, to shorts and music videos.
my companies
my companies
  • actor (male)
Short film, Feature film, Drama for Television / Series, Music Video

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