Foto shoot met de Antwerp Phantom ice hockey team
Filmproject Enigma Sigma low budget film
Verschillende foto shoots
Visagie in de productie jeugdfilm 'De bende van Urk'
Low budget film ROOS
Dansoptreden visagie
For the time being I have won the monthly competition with my make-up in December 2011 on the Facebook group of photographers, models and make-up artists who only do it as a hobby.
Was completely surprised because it was a photo from my very first shoot as a MUA.
ask me for
movie projects
video clip
fashion shoots
extreme make up shoots
I am flexible, social, and want to further develop myself artistically with extreme make-up and FX make-up.
Heb alle visagie spullen. Ik werk met merken zoals Kryolan, Mac, Coastal scens en LR health & Beauty systems.