Ibo Karatay
director, script writer, development and script supervisor
Den Haag / NL
2014 drama / PVPictures / Pim van Hoeve
grip / production assistent
2014 drama /
rigger / best boy electrical
2014 drama / PVPictures / Barbara Bredero
production assistent / runner
2014 drama / Bastide Films, PRPL / Joost van Ginkel
best boy electrical
2011 drama / 8 min. / Eigen Beheer / Ibo Karatay
directing / screenwriting
2010 drama / 12 min. / Eigen beheer / Ibo Karatay
directing / screenwriting



Feature film: Our Sun
Function: (Extra Crew) Light assistant (PRPL, Bastide Films)
Producer: Ellen Havenith (PRPL), Jeroen Beker (Bastide Film)
Director: Joost van Ginkel
Screenplay: Joost van Ginkel

TV Series: Cop (Season II, Block 2)
Function: (Extra Crew) Production assistant
Producer: Pupkin Film
Director: David Lammers
Screenplay: Michael Leenderste, Thomas van der Ree, Matthijs Bockting, Pieter van den Berg, Joost Reijmers
Camera: Tjitte Jan Nieuwkoop

TV Series: Cop (Season II, Block 1)
Job Title: Stage Light Assistant (Illuminator and Rigging)
Producer: Pupkin Film
Director: David Lammers
Screenplay: Michael Leenderste, Thomas van der Ree, Matthijs Bockting, Pieter van den Berg, Joost Reijmers
Camera: Tjitte Jan Nieuwkoop

Feature film: Mees Kees op de Planken
Job Title: Production and Set Assistant (PV Pictures)
Producer: Paul Voorthuysen, Chris Derks
Directed by: Barbara Bredero
Scenario: Tijs van Marle
Camera: Coen Stroeve

Feature film: Dummie the Mummy
Position: Stage Production Assistant and Grip Assistant (Dolly Grip, Crane Grip and Rigging Grip)
Producer: Paul Voorthuysen, Chris Derks (PV Pictures)
Director: Pim van Hoeve
Scenario: Tijs van Marle
Camera: Guido van Gennep

Screenplay development Alienated, short film
Script supervising: Marc Thelosen, Koert Davidse (Seriousfilm)

Scenario development Reflection in the mirror,
Adaptation of a short story from the book Black Walls by Anthony Holslag
Script supervising: Marc Thelosen (Seriousfilm)

Short fiction: Plague
Producer, Screenwriter and Director

Short fiction: Adagio
Producer, screenwriter and director
ask me for
Regie, scenario, scriptontwikkeling, script editing
I am very motivated, driven and I am also a hard worker. I don't think in problems, but in solutions. In addition to technical experience, I have a strong sense of storytelling and dramaturgy! Training 2014-Feb. Master's degree in Film and Television Science, Utrecht University 2012-2014 Pre-master's degree in Film and Television Science, Utrecht University 2002-2009 Diploma in Public Administration and Government Management, Haagse Hogeschool / TH Rijswijk 1997-1998 Diploma in Tourism, short secondary vocational education, Orient Express in Veendam 1992- 1995 Diploma in Machine Drawing, Technical Lyceum in Istanbul 1989-1992 Diploma in General Education (AVO), in Istanbul Courses/Master Classes 2012 Master Class with Joost van Ginkel 2012 Certificate Scenario Training by Robert Alberdingk Thijm and Tamara Bos 2011 Certificate Directing Training by Jos Stelling and Paula van der Oest 2008 Feedback training
software knowledge
Abode CS5 - Bridge - Illustrator - Photoshop - Premiere Pro - Microsoft Office!

Rinkel Film B.V.
Development Executive
Rinkel Film B.V.
Development Assistent
Pupkin Film

After being graduated in Public Administration at The Hague University, I have worked with different companies in various positions. My profession as a project manager and consultant in the IT world did not satisfy. Since I have been considering to do a carrier switch, I finally, in 2012, managed to gather the courage to realize my dream: becoming a film maker!

In the previous years I wrote and directed two experimental short fiction films. I also have taken courses in Directing and Screenwriting from several famous Dutch Directors and Screenwriters.

Since February 2012 I am doing a master degree at the University Utrecht, in Film and Television Studies.

Currently I am working on my third short fiction. Also I am working, along with Janneke Pol (Anthropologist and an independent Director) on a documentary by Serious Film.

Furthermore I am working at Rinkel Film, in Amsterdam, as a Development Executive. At Rinkel I am consulting (dramaturgy and script editing) ongoing projects for future lengths. Also, I am developing along with producer, writer(s) and director(s) new future lengths from the very pitch to the final script.


  • directing - drama
  • script doctor
  • dramaturgy
  • screenwriting - short film
  • script reader
  • screenwriting - feature film
Documentary, Drama film, Short film, Feature film

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