Robert van der Hoop
production designer
Amsterdam / NL
2023 drama / 120 min. / The Rogues / Guido Coppis
production design
2022 drama / The Storytellers / Bobby Boermans
production design
2022 drama / 115 min. / Greenfield / Aniëlle Webster
production design
2022 drama / 73 min. / Halal / Nafiss Nia
production design
2021 drama / 50 min. / Keplerfilm / Videoland Academy / Jan Verdijk
production design
2020 drama / 90 min. / Bind- Film / VPRO, NTR / Shariff Nasr
production design
2020 drama / 90 min. / Studio Ruba / Dwight Fagbamila
production design
2019 drama / 100 min. / Kepler Blue / NTR / Eché Janga
production design
2019 drama / 90 min. / NL FILM & TV B.V. / BNNVARA / Ivo van Aart
production design
2018 drama / 50 min. / Topkapi Film / BNN VARA / Gonzalo Fernandez
production design
2018 drama / 15 min. / Pristine Film / VPRO / David Eilander, Hesdy Lonwijk, Barbara Bredero, Sam Yazdanpanna
production design
2017 drama / 93 min. / Submarine film / VPRO / Mischa Kamp
production design
2017 drama / 50 min. / Bind- Film / VARA / Hetty de Kruijf
production design
2016 drama / Tijs Romer
production design
2015 drama / 100 min. / Lisa Cortes - cortesfilms / Ernest Dickerson
art direction set
2015 drama / Shooting Star / tessa schram
production design
2014 drama / 8 min. / Shooting Star / KRO/NCRV / Maria Peters
production design
2014 drama / Shooting Star Filmcompany / Tessa Schram
production design
2013 drama / 90 min. / Pupkin Film / EO / Margien Rogaar
production design
2013 drama / 45 min. / Column Film / VPRO / Margot Schaap
production design
2012 drama / 15 min. / MacGyver / Camiel Schouwenaar
production design
2012 drama / 90 min. / Barn Films, Umami Media / Arne Toonen, Michiel ten Horn e.a.
production design
2010 drama / 90 min. / Snoooep film / Bobbie Boermans
production design
2021 documentaire / 150 min. / Bind- Film / VPROAan de hand van interviews, archiefbeelden en nagespeelde scènes krijgen we inzicht in de mythevorming rondom - en het roerige leven van Hosé / Sander Burger
production design
overig /
production design

INVASION by Bobby Boermans
EL HOUB by Shariff Nasr
THE CUTHOER by Ivo van Aart
TOM EAGLE by Gonzalo Fernandez
JUNGLE by Hetty de Kruijf
BUILDING VILLAGE by Margien Rogaar
CLAUSTROFOBIA by Bobby Boermans
FROM GOD LOS by Pieter Kuijpers
RAAK by Hanro Smitsman
QUI VIVE by Frans Weisz
TEMMINK by Boris Paval Conen
Swell by Nicole van Kilsdonk
CHAMELEON I and II by Steven de Jong
Films for which I did the Production Design and which won awards:
BULADÓ golden calf best film
JUNGLE golden calf best actors
FROM GOD LOS golden calf best film
Swell golden calf best TV drama
TOUCH GOLDEN BEAR (Berlinale) Best Short Film
With every new film project I look together with the director and DOP at what I can add to make the story come across as well as possible to the film audience. I go just that little bit further so that the Production Design rises above a well-behaved or obvious design and yet remains subtle. Always within the framework of the relevant production. I am also an interior designer and musician.

Production Designer Robert van der Hoop has been working on feature films, TV drama and series since 1994.


  • art direction (set)
  • production design
Commercial, Short film, Feature film, Drama for Television / Series

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