Movie Machine
film: communication, education and text service
Nijmegen / NL
Movie Machine has been an independent film press and communication agency for 10 years that can provide a range of freelance film activities for various media, companies, institutions and websites at competitive prices.

From a background as a Culture and Mentality Historian and minors in Art History, Cultural Anthropology and Philosophy, experience in radio, television, the written press and a broad and far-reaching knowledge of the medium of film, Movie Machine has been involved in a range of topics in recent years. of film activities. To form an idea of the areas in which Movie Machine is active, an overview is given below:

* Providing lectures and introductions to films.
* Setting up film workshops, film courses, film screenings on themes with introductions and discussion afterwards, film salons.
* Writing articles, reviews and background articles.
* Providing interviews, including photography.
* Providing specific and target group-oriented film content for websites.
* Providing press releases.
* Giving comments on films and developments around film.
* Taking care of editorial activities in the field of film, such as collecting, organizing and opening up film news and offering it in ready-made text blocks for the written press, websites and radio and television programmes.
* Column writing.

Movie Machine guarantees a broad and thorough knowledge of film that can be used on several fronts of the medium. There is great flexibility towards the client in all activities.

Film Network Nijmegen

In addition to the above activities, the undersigned is chairman of the board of the Film Network Nijmegen Association (FNN). FNN aims to stimulate and promote film and visual culture in Nijmegen and the surrounding area in the broadest sense of the word.

Go Short
The undersigned is also co-founder and board member of the short film festival Go Short.



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