2009 theater / 180 min. / Steven de Jong Producties / Steven de jong actor male
Kollumer riot with Syb van derploeg directed by Steven de Jong
Crusade in Jeans with Rein van Duivenbode from NJMT
Ciske the rat with Danny de Munk from stage entertainment
Simply great singing (CD) Rep and Stir
Zapp detective from NPO Zapp
Ciske the rat as best big musical
Ciske the rat with best children's cast
Crusade in Jeans Best Children's Cast (Nomination)
I am a Dutch boy, green eyes and blond hair. I played in the musical Ciske de Rat together with Danny de Munk, played in the national production Kruistocht in spijkerbroek of the NJMT and this summer I played the role of the little Salomon together with Syb van der Ploeg in the production Kollumer oproer directed by Steven de Jong. I also did shooting for a new TV series of NPO Zapp (January 2020 on TV).