Thayenne Behr
scriptwriting, screenwriting
Antwerpen / BE
2020 drama / 6 min. / Tough Crowd / Kiko Morah
script continuity / screenwriting
2019 drama / 6 min. / Tough Crowd / Kiko Morah
script continuity / screenwriting


- HEARSTORM (drama, feature, ENG)
in collaboration with co-writer

- THE LONELIEST ROAD (drama, feature, ENG)

Quarterfinalist: Filmmatic - Inroads Fellowship Season 5
Quarterfinalist: Filmmatic Drama Screenplay Awards Season 7
Semi-finalist: Emerging Screenwriters Drama Competition

- TRANSLUCID(sci-fi, feature, ENG)

Quarter-Finalist: Los Angelos International Screenplay Awards
Semifinalist: StoryPros International Screenplay Contest

- DE ZWAARSTE LAST (drama/ sci-fi, short, NL)
developed for the 48h film project, nominated for 5 awards, winner of 1 award

- INGELIJST (silent film/horror, short, NL)
developed for the 48h film project, nominated for 4 awards, winner of 2 awards

Currently working on:

- FIGMENT (drama/ mind-bending, feature, ENG)
Semifinalist StoryPros International Screenplay Contest 2018
Quarterfinalist Los Angeles International Screenplay Competition 2018
Quarterfinalist Filmmatic - Inroads Fellowship Season 5 2022
Quarterfinalist Filmmatic Drama Screenplay Awards Season 7 2022
Semi-finalist Emerging Screenwriters Drama Competition 2022
ask me for
Script continuity
Story Development
Character Development
Script Doctor
I have a quick pen, a rich imagination and great empathy. I can easily translate an idea into a screenplay with a good 3-Act structure and a lot of attention to character development.
Macbook met Final Draft 11
software knowledge
Final Draft
MS Office


I've been writing screenplays for 6+ years. Started as an autodidact with a background in Marketing & Copywriting and Film Studies & Visual Culture, my strength lies in capturing unique human stories that many audiences can relate to, and writing compelling in-depth characters, storylines and dialogues.

With a love for and deep understanding of the genres sci-fi and horror, I consider myself a genre-writer, but I'm always branching out and exploring new fields as a write. I'm currently working on two projects in the genre drama/feelgood and a comedy-series based on real-life experiences as well.

As a born storyteller, I love to tell human stories and show human emotions. No matter what the genre is, I write stories that have a deeper meaning and that will have a social/societal impact. In my eyes, films are the ideal vessel to inspire change!

Ik schrijf voornamelijk in het Engels maar Nederlands is mijn moedertaal.
Naast het schrijven van scenarios werk ik als (online) redacteur bij een lifestyle magazine, freelance schrijver en barista.
Drama film, Short film, Feature film, Drama for Television / Series

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