Michiel Korte
Leiden / NL
2022 drama / HKU / Dirk van Driel
actor male
2021 drama / AVROTROS / Raymond Grimbergen
actor male
2020 drama / Iwan de Groene, Alexander van Gilst, Lucita Jaramillo Luna
actor male
2022 documentaire / Skyhigh Media / Videoland / Willem Timmers
actor male
2022 theater / Storytellers
actor male
2021 theater / 100 min. / Peter Reijn
actor male
2019 theater / Peter Reijn producties / Peter Reijn
actor male
2018 theater / Piet Raphael
actor male
2018 theater / Lenneke Willems
actor male
2018 theater / Nina Sondags
actor male
2018 theater / Marijn van den Bogaard
actor male
2017 theater / Noël Fischer
actor male
2016 theater / Theaterschool Rabarber / Jeroen van der Graaf
actor male
2011 theater /
actor male
2017 commercial / Villa Pinedo / Dennis Overeem
actor male


After 3 years of theater training at Rabarber theater school, I auditioned for the professional rhubarb production, the Baron van Münchhausen, in which I played the role of the Baron from 2016 to 2017. The National Theater saw me in that performance and subsequently offered me the role. of "Peter" offered on their touring show, Lord of the Flies. I then did as many plays, musicals and musical theater as possible.

In terms of camera work, I was cast in 2017 for the "Not Jouw Task" commercial for Villa Pinedo, which is still running (at the end of 2020). In 2020 I auditioned for the television program "Brugklas", in which I auditioned for the role of Pieter. Ultimately it was decided that I was too old to last multiple seasons, which was necessary for the role of Pieter. Then I was offered the role of "Boris", a rival of Pieter who didn't necessarily have to come back after season nine.
Villa Pinedo's advertisement, called "Not Your Task", has been awarded an Apple of Orange.
ask me for
Vrijwel alles wat te maken heeft met acteren trekt mij aan. Musicals, televisieseries, theaterstukken, reclames en films hebben allemaal mijn interesse. Ik probeer open te staan voor zoveel mogelijk.

Wel moet ik zeggen dat ik zeer geïnteresseerd ben in kostuumdrama's en historische films/series. Geschiedenis heb ik altijd zeer boeiend gevonden, en het grootste deel van mijn geschreven werken spelen zich ook af in het verleden.

I am a classically trained actor, and work full time in the industry. I have experience in multiple musicals, interactive theatre and classical theatre.
Commercial, Short film, Television, Theatre

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