Piet Bood
Amsterdam / NL
Participating in a commercial or film has always fascinated me. In the past I enjoyed doing this until other challenges came my way. The Swan Choir was one of those challenges. In the more than 23 years that I have been involved with this Amsterdam choir, I have presented more than 400 performances. In addition to singing in the choir, I was chairman for 5 years and I participated in many committees. From 1992 to 1999 I sang as a regular guest in Café De Twee Zwaantjes, the place where Het Zwanenkoor has its roots. In addition, I was part of the entertainment team of restaurant Holland Village. In addition to these hobbies, I worked as an entrepreneur in retail for 7 years, after which my 19-year career at the Chamber of Commerce started in 2000. In recent years, I was responsible within this organization for producing internal communication films. In 2019, due to a reorganization, I was given the opportunity to start my own production company. With my production company I make short commercials for entrepreneurs that they can use on social media. A professional advertising film that today is also financially accessible for small businesses. A bit part task that I get a lot of satisfaction from. My agenda regularly gives me the opportunity to take up other activities. That's why I want to pick up presenting, extras and working as a model again, a challenging change from my regular daily activities.

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