Chantal Mars
hospital employee, small acting roles with text
Zwolle / NL
2024 drama / ITV Studios
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I have worked as an extra on several beautiful productions, including Het Gouden Uur, Oogappels and Tatta's. Each project offered a unique experience: from the exciting and captivating atmosphere in Het Gouden Uur to the recognizable and sometimes comical scenes in Oogappels and Tatta's. These productions have not only given me valuable set experience, but also shown me how diverse and dynamic the film and television world is.
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Voor de volgende type opdrachten en projecten moet je zeker contact met me opnemen:
• Carnavalsopnames – Ik ben gek op carnaval en hossen, dus feestelijke en uitbundige scènes zijn echt iets voor mij!
• Kookopnames – Ik leef voor de Italiaanse keuken en geniet van alles wat met koken te maken heeft.
• Spannende opdrachten met een link naar de zorg – Door mijn affiniteit met de zorg kan ik me goed inleven in rollen binnen deze setting.

Eigenlijk is het teveel om op te noemen! Ik ben een enthousiaste duizendpoot die openstaat voor allerlei uitdagingen, leergierig is en zich snel aanpast aan verschillende rollen en settings.
• Strong empathy – I can easily put myself in different roles and situations.
• Extensive facial expressions – I am good at expressing emotions and effortlessly adapt my facial expressions to the scene.
• Flexible and versatile – I adapt quickly and am open to a variety of assignments.
• Eager to learn and enthusiastic – Always willing to try new things and develop myself further.

Acting is a passion that has played a major role in my life since childhood. As a young girl, I found my creative outlet in the theater, where I discovered my love for the stage. The magic of playing a role, bringing stories to life and touching an audience with emotions has always fascinated me.

Although my current profession as a midwife is a completely different world, acting still holds a special place in my heart. In addition to my work, I have been allowed to participate in several productions as an extra, which has only increased my enthusiasm for this world. It is a great way to continue to express my love for acting and to take a look at the film industry.

I have had the great opportunity to work as an extra in different productions—a super fun experience that I am really looking forward to! It is great to be in a different setting every time and meet new people. In one production I have more freedom to apply my own empathy and acting movements, while in another it is more tightly directed. That variety is what makes it so interesting and keeps me sharp and creative!

I hope to take more steps in the world of acting in the future and develop myself further. For me it's not just about the role you play, it's about the chance to tell stories and make an impact, no matter how small it seems.

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