Julian Cruiming

Wanted: Actor (40-55) for Short Film

Wanted: Actor (40-55) for Short Film

(auto-translated from Dutch)

For my internship I am making the short film "Aangeschoten", in which a middle-aged woman recognizes her ex-husband in a homeless man on the street after a night out and does everything she can to put their past right.

What do we offer?
As this is a student production we cannot offer compensation, but this is a great opportunity to work on an interesting film project and it will be very good for your portfolio.



For this we are looking for an actor between 40 and 55 years old, preferably in the Groningen area, who is interested in taking on the role of Herman, the vagabond / ex-husband in this story. It is a role without text, but your face is often in the picture and you can work nicely with facial expressions.

Language requirements

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