What goes around, Karma is a bitch ( 2023 ) total 138 awards for:
Outstanding Achievement Award
Best Actress: Joy Maarman 17x
Best Actress: Yulia Göbel 32x
Best Actress: Anouck Linders 11x
Best European short film 32x
Best Supporting Actress - Mandy van Silfhout 3x
plus more awards for best child actress, cinematography and production
What goes around:
4th place cinesneek
silver plus film award Seanden Film Club
Finalist and laureate NH 63 film festival
4th place UNICA world championship
3rd best winning actress 12mff in Romania
shot in Austin Texas, Malta, Romania
In 2002, the film club I was a member of at the time won a cultural prize of €25,000 with our feature film "De Disk".